Empowering, Engaging, and Enriching Lives
Integrating Purpose, Passion, and Prosperity
Facilitating leadership, professional, organizational, and community development
Natalie Butto Wills facilitates “Learning, Leading, and Living Well®” as a versatile leader, with diverse experience in business, law, and education. She empowers innovation; corporate responsibility; talent and business development; community engagement; and well-being.
Professor Butto Wills teaches in person and online; advises leaders; presents and speaks including TEDx; facilitates professional, leadership, organizational and brand development; and arranges travel and retreats. She founded Leadership Well®, a hub and network, empowering Conscious Counsel® and Mindful Managers®.
Her experience includes serving as Fortune 500 in-house legal counsel and executive; a law school assistant dean; and an attorney with a global practice. She has served on national and international boards and councils; as a community media producer/host; and a leader in professional, alumni and community associations.
Natalie Butto Wills earned a JD at Georgetown; MBA in Marketing and Information Systems/Technology at NYU; and certifications in coaching, organizational psychology, diversity training, yoga/mindfulness, multimedia, and travel.
A 1st generation American, she communicates in several languages including Spanish; and is committed to endowing a new American Dream scholarship at one of the most diverse colleges in the US. Natalie savors life and empowering possibilities.
Contact us to empower, engage, and enrich, through presentations, leadership advising, group facilitation, and travel.